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The Register (of ‘Leengerechtigden’)

The Foundation keeps a register of Leengerechtigden. One becomes a Leengerechtigde after registration in the Register. ‘Leengerechtigden’ are those that are descendants of Mr and Mrs Rinia – Van der Sluis.

If descendants of Mr and Mrs Rinia – Van der Sluis want to be registered in order to receive the status of Leengerechtigde they have to submit a request with the Foundation.

Register number

If you are a descendant of Mr Herre Rinia and Mrs Reinskje van der Sluis but have not yet received a Register number please submit your request with the Foundation. After approval the Leengerechtigde will receive a Register number. This number always starts with a letter depending on the family branch one belongs to followed by a couple of numbers composed on the basis of the history of descending and the number of children in the family.


A request should be accompanied by legal documents such as an excerpt of the Municipal Adminstration. If a very young desecendant is signed up for registration a birthday card will always be appreciated. Additionally an overview of the applicant’s registered parents should be submitted with the request as well, so the requestor can be easily added to the Register. In certain situations the applicant may be asked for additional documentation. This could be the case if a connection between the application and his ancestors cannot be clearly made.


Requests for registration including scans of the required evidence can be send to:

Further Information

The Vereniging Familie Kingma maintains a family tree as well. It is good to know that registering for the Verenging Familie Kingma’s family tree will not automatically lead to registration as Leengerechtigde in the Register of the Foundation (and vice versa).